Thursday 27 November 2014


看了联合早报这张照片,才知道原来这花叫蓝花楹(英文名字为Jacaranda )。去年在南非旅游时,有看到这种花,那时知道它的英文名字为Jacaranda ,但却误以为它的中文名为紫薇。


CHRISTMAS WHERE THE GUM TREES GROW (Val Donlon / Lesley Sabogal) (poem) Christmas where the gum trees grow There is no frost and there is no snow Christmas in Australia's hot Cold and frosty is what its not When the bloom of the Jackaranda tree is here Christmas time is near From England came our Christmas fare They even said what Santa should wear But here down under for summers cool Santa should dip in a swimming pool Christmas where the gum trees grow There is no frost and there is no snow Christmas in Australia's hot Cold and frosty is what its not When the bloom of the Jackaranda tree is here Christmas time is near Santa rides in a sleigh on snow But down here where the gum trees grow Santa should wear some water ski's And glide around Australia with ease Christmas where the gum trees grow There is no frost and there is no snow Christmas in Australia's hot Cold and frosty is what its not When the bloom of the Jackaranda tree is here Christmas time is near To ride around the bush where its dry To cart all the presents piled so high A red nosed reindeer would never do Santa should jump on a kangaroo Christmas where the gum trees grow There is no frost and there is no snow Christmas in Australia's hot Cold and frosty is what its not When the bloom of the Jackaranda tree is here Christmas time is near

  • 南非行政首都比勒陀利亚有“蓝花楹之城”(英语:Jacaranda City、南非语:Jakarandastad)的美誉,因为每当春天来临,城中众多的蓝花楹开花使整个城市都变成蓝色。“蓝花楹之城”这个称谓常出现在南非语歌曲中。
  • 澳大利亚有一首关于蓝花楹的圣诞歌曲,Christmas where gum trees grow。因为在蓝花楹开花的夏天正是澳大利亚的圣诞节——就像这首歌中所唱,"when the bloom of the Jacaranda tree is here, Christmas time is near...(当蓝花楹盛开的时候,圣诞节就要到了)"[2]
  • 阿根廷,作家Alejandro Dolina在他的 Crónicas del Ángel Gris一书中叙述了一个关于一棵巨大的jacarandá树的传说。这棵树地处于布宜诺斯艾利斯Plaza Flores (Flores Square,弗洛雷斯广场),它可以按要求吹出探戈舞曲。作家与音乐家María Elena Walsh将她的一首名为"Canción del Jacarandá"的歌献给了这棵树。
  • 英国歌手Steve Tilson在他的歌曲 "Jacaranda"中赞美了这种他在澳大利亚遇到的美丽的树。(此歌为他在2008年发行的专辑Ziggurat中的第11首)。

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