Monday 21 July 2014


The book is based on the story of Roy and Silo, two male Chinstrap Penguins in New York's Central Park Zoo. Roy and Silo were observed performing behaviors typically seen in penguin couples, such as bowing to one another. Roy and Silo made a nest together, and seemed to be trying to hatch a rock that resembled an egg. When zookeepers realized that these two males had formed a couple, they gave them an egg to hatch. This egg was obtained from a male-female penguin couple, named Betty and Porkey, who had two eggs and could not care for both at once. Roy and Silo took turns sitting on the egg, and eventually it hatched. The female chick was named "Tango" by the zookeepers.

Adorable, fabulous story about four families who travel to China to meet and bring home their four waiting little girls.
Review: “New and Notable Books,” AsianWeek, November 1, 2002
Tidbit: July 11, 2014 – Twelve years after publication, White Swan is making headlines. One of the book’s adoptive families is a lesbian couple  … which is enough to get the book destroyed by the National Library Board in Singapore. My, my, my … surreal how penguins, adoptions, and unconventional families can be so threatening to some. Read all about the fear here


  1. 作者居心不良! 看了恶心。。。
